Click for: WEBPAGE INDEXDirectories: whoosh vs unix: With the official unix approach GS will refuse to run unless it finds: Ghostscript:share/ghostscript/8.00/lib/gs_init.psEasy to remember, eh? Give me a break! With the whoosh777 approach, GS8 just needs, if GS8Data: hasn't been assigned a requester will appear. Likewise with the official unix approach fonts will *not* be loaded unless they are in Ghostscript:share/ghostscript/fontsSo if you have the Ghostscript: assign but dont have that precise path to the fonts, then the traditional GS wont run and wont tell you why (eg no requester). With the whoosh approach the fonts just need to be in GS8Fonts: and a requester will appear if the assign hasn't been done. The whoosh approach is the normal smooth+nice Amiga approach. The unix approach imposes an impossibly complicated directory structure on the unfortunate long suffering unix user.

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